Saturday, May 19, 2007

Eastern Conference Champions!!!!!!!!!!! (Go, Sens, Go!)

You know, when you live in a place for 20 some odd years, it becomes pivotal, whether you want it to or not. I moved to Ottawa to be far away from my parents. but close enough in times of troubles. Intended to stay a year, based on a Canada Day Long weekend I took on my own.

I stayed almost 23 years, and never did move to Vancouver. Got married and had a baby. Had a secure and fascinating life at OSA, stayed educated at Carleton U.

My husband moved us here, and I wasn't as ready for adventure as I had been 20 years earlier. The Sens Had gone from the Coliseum on an empty, flat field, a bit beyond the edge of Kanata. Kanata was one of the first Identical Communities.

For years, the Sens snatched Defeat from the Jaws of Victory.

It was great hockey - just like being back in northern Quebec - hangin' in a rink. Tix are cheap. And we got good draft picks.

(Here in TO, you have to be a business, know a business, and write it off as a business expense if you get any where NEAR the Leafs. Surprisingly strong fan base, considering they haven't won in a lifetime or two.)

Some are cheering because it's a "canadian" team. Some because it's home town.

Me? I'm a Habs fan. But man, it would be wonderful to bring the Holy Grail home.



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