Monday, April 23, 2007

Let's get to know each other....

I've got a pretty sick young man draped in my bed with the requisite cold washcloth and ibuprofen who's finally gotten to sleep. Perfect time to visit blogs and links, and found this on one of my favourites - Out of Lascaux.

What do you think about Ouija boards?
I don't. I've often wondered what the future held for those suffering from poor spelling or the shakes.

Your favorite TV shows?
Just got turned onto House, still enjoy ER, and CSI (Vegas). I'd be a happy camper if Who's Line is it Anyway was back on the air, and always enjoy a howl with any of the BBC sitcoms.

Favorite Board Game?
Trivial Pursuit

Favorite Magazine?
Scholastic's ART

Favorite smells
Gasoline, oil paints, and play-dough.

Worst feeling in the world?
Losing my parents.

Best feeling in the world?
Skiing well on a brilliant blue day that's warm to make a hat redundant.

Favorite Soundtrack?
My Fair Lady

What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?
Is it Saturday yet?

Roller coaster - scary or exciting?
Both - heavy on the scary side, though.

How many rings before you answer the phone?
Depends what I trip over - otherwise as few rings as possible. The dog will will start to howl when the answering machine goes on.

Favorite foods
Almost anything Middle Eastern; wonton soup; and poutine (not all at once....)

Chocolate or vanilla?
Really expensive, dark bitter chocolate, unadorned.

Do you like to drive?
Not really, but I DO love my car.

Storms - cool or scary?
Really cool. Blizzards? Not so much.

What type was your first car?
My husband bought me a silver Dodge Colt, which I blew the motor out of. I was well into my thirties by then. I enjoyed 3 different Colts until a fender bender totalled the car. Now I drive a big mother.

Favorite alcoholic drink?
Australian red wine

What is your zodiac sign?

Who is your favorite poet?
Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen are poets as far as I'm concerned.

Do you eat the stems of broccoli?
I really don't like brocolli and only eat it when I have to.

If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be? The one I have now is pretty good, but I'd love it if a great big mining company would hire me to paint pictures of their properties (which, of course, I would have to travel the world for) for their boardrooms.

If you could dye your hair any color, what would it be? auburn or strawberry blonde - the colour I grew up with before the blonde darkened to brown, and the silver threads began. It's au naturel at the moment, waiting for a decision on how grey I want to get first.

Is the glass half empty or half full?
Both. Work with that one.

What is your favorite Snapple?
I've seen Snapples...

Favorite movies?
Anything with Johnny Depp in it

Are you a lefty, righty, or ambidextrous?

Do you type with your fingers on the proper keys?

What is your favorite number?

Favorite sport to watch?
I used to like basketball and hockey, but they truly are the most fun live. Car racing (Formula One or NASCAR) on the idiot box.

Favorite quote?
In Vino Veritas



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