Sunday, May 20, 2007

I AM hungover today,

and I noticed a printed advert from Rogers saying this:

"free BILLING service..."


my head hurts.


Saturday, May 19, 2007

Eastern Conference Champions!!!!!!!!!!! (Go, Sens, Go!)

You know, when you live in a place for 20 some odd years, it becomes pivotal, whether you want it to or not. I moved to Ottawa to be far away from my parents. but close enough in times of troubles. Intended to stay a year, based on a Canada Day Long weekend I took on my own.

I stayed almost 23 years, and never did move to Vancouver. Got married and had a baby. Had a secure and fascinating life at OSA, stayed educated at Carleton U.

My husband moved us here, and I wasn't as ready for adventure as I had been 20 years earlier. The Sens Had gone from the Coliseum on an empty, flat field, a bit beyond the edge of Kanata. Kanata was one of the first Identical Communities.

For years, the Sens snatched Defeat from the Jaws of Victory.

It was great hockey - just like being back in northern Quebec - hangin' in a rink. Tix are cheap. And we got good draft picks.

(Here in TO, you have to be a business, know a business, and write it off as a business expense if you get any where NEAR the Leafs. Surprisingly strong fan base, considering they haven't won in a lifetime or two.)

Some are cheering because it's a "canadian" team. Some because it's home town.

Me? I'm a Habs fan. But man, it would be wonderful to bring the Holy Grail home.


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

It's been 5 months!

I believe I had my last cigarette on January 9, 2007.
I could actually "enjoy" second hand smoke the other day - meaning it didn't bug me, nor did I want one.
I got told Iwas "too old" for Facebook - you know - the very surprised "you're on it?"look . It's true - it's a lot of young people but it can be, apparently, addiciting. Right - another addiction.
I also have about 1000 great "drive-by"s (a word that is difficult to plralize, BTW) from getting out to Hamilton's Open Doors this weekend past, and have give a new, vibrant personality - Rod Paget -his well-earned credit in orgamizing and curating an interesting art exhibition loosely based around the built environment.

It was great to see other people's enjoyment of the likes of transmission lines and grid work. There were a couple of pieces that REALLY gripped me.

I'll get wise and post links and stuff on Industrial Art really soon. These guys and their work and the environment were just way too exciting.

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On cramming for finals

Many years ago, when I was visiting my aunt in Maple Ridge (then Haney), I overheard a young minister say that the only reason old people went to church was because they were cramming for finals.

I remember being somewhat surprised that a man of the collar would say that, but on reflection, realized that it was way too true. I haven't been to church in years....and the last time was a funeral.

Not going to church doesn't preclude thoughts on spirituality, ethical behavior and morality - in fact, far from it. Maybe if I went to church, I wouldn't have to think about these things all by myself.

There doesn't seem to be any evidence that His message is getting through to the church-goers either.

None of them seem to be any nicer when they exit the building, nor do any appear to live that message during the week. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'd like to see a little goodness now and then.

Not because it'll get you a ticket past the pearly gates when you've written your finals, but because it will make the day a far more pleasant one for those around you NOW.


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