Thursday, November 17, 2005

Our local Freecycle changes it's name, but the concept is the same

And the concept, for some folk, is greed.

From today's postings:

Someone wants a featherweight sewing machine, either working or reparable. They want it for quilting. Makes me wonder why they took up quilting if they don't have a sewing machine. I wonder if an old fashioned, heavier machine would be acceptable to these poor souls. Maybe I should ask for a kiln, because I like working in clay.

A double stroller to get a kid to school because there's a new sibling. Hello? If the kid is old enough to go to school, they're old enough to either walk, get out of the car by themselves, or take a bus. You've had nine months to figure THIS one out.

Then there was the time I waited all day for a pick-up that never happened. I called. Here's the gist: You lost my phone numer, email and address and the van is broken. I never gave a phone number, email is public on freecycle - and oh - your computer broke too? When you talked to me last week, you were in a town twenty minutes away without a car because your husband used it to drive two hours each way to work across the province. Sure hope your husband gets to work tomorrow. And no, dear, I'm not delivering.

Guys, it's about keeping this stuff out of landfills. Our dear moderators have started another group that deals with nominal (sometimes) amounts of cash. There's some intersting comparisons here. One person wants to sell a Christmas card holder for $3.00. Nothing wrong with that, but it certainly skews the concept of value.

A Christmas card holder, according to to good people of York Region, is 300% more valuable than a featherweight sewing machine and a double stroller.



Blogger Unknown said...

An addendum: Today, someone asked for an armoire, an iron chandelier, gold drapes; pinch pleated; a six drawer dresser with a mirror.

They don't need the mirror.

They want to try decorating techniques. I see an empty room that wants to be decorated into a master bedroom.

One of these days, I'm going to ask for a yellow leather chaise-lounge.

November 19, 2005 10:51 a.m.  

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