Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Selfish Ramblings of an undisciplined mind: or I should be Writing Report Cards

1. If a job is worth doing, it's worth doing well.

Yesterday's mail included a lovely Thank You card from the organizer of last week's Spirit Walk which I had participated in. The kind words of praise lightened my heart; but more importantly, it meant that our volunteer time was worth the effort of a follow-through. That doesn't happen much any more, and is far more valuable than a paycheck.

2. Paris is burning.

Why is this on Page 10 of the newspaper? No clear good guy/bad guy; mobs; fear; the disenfranchised; religion and torches strike me as being far more important than our own politicians arguing over a fucked up health care system.

3. Private versus public health care

Private health care could get an MRI for my friend far faster than the system that farted around until it killed my mother. Have I made myself clear?

4. World Wars I & II

Remembrance Day is coming up. Although the last war is before my time, it involved my family. I still felt as if I was blamed for it when I was a tourist in Germany. A passenger on a train remarked on a bomb that was still unexploded sitting on a rail car. It might have helped had I understood German; but I remember looking at this massive thing; hearing her say something about the British and the Americans and thinking: "Did I put that there? You tried to drown my uncle in the North Atlantic!"

So, now I'm thinking that Europe looks like it may be on the brink of war, I hope the hell Hillary is President of the US by then, and if any of my friends or family get hurt, the health care system will kill them anyway and I won't have anybody to write a Thank You note to.


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