Thursday, December 16, 2004

Procrastination: Some thoughts

They took a photo of me at work with three plates of food in front of me and me clowning around with my rolly polly tummy.

Then someone in the desert line thought it was pretty funny that I ate so much..."someone said..."

Although I laughed on the outside, I was pretty pissed off.

With myself for putting off until tomorrow what I could do a little about today. Two months ago I started this thing with the thought that keeping track might keep me mindful of what I'm putting into myself.

I hit the snooze button on an email I've been meaning to do something about (art related) and it said 10 weeks overdue.

So there you go - two months later, still smoking, still eating too much of the wrong stuff, still miserable about it, guilty for not having done something about it, and most of all, wondering - What do I need to do to stay motivated????

Mind you, I was also pissed off at the small-minds and mouths who have nothing better to talk about than what's on someone elses plate.

But that's another story.


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