Sunday, December 04, 2005

A History of Hearthrobs

You'd think that after half a century, I'd stop fantasizing about movie stars. In fact, my son said: "I've never seen you get so crazy over an actor..."

My answer, of course, is "You haven't been around all that long, kiddo"

Steve McQueen (or was it the motorcycle, cigarettes and "bad boy" image?) Best quote:

"I'll be walking down the street and some guy spots me and flips out. You can see it happen. He goes temporarily crazy just from looking at me. I know what's going through his head: He's got to make his move. He's got to do it because there's a movie star right in front of him and it may be the only chance in his whole life. After a while, they all turn out to be the same person: some guy flipping out, trying to get to you, trying to eat you, man, because he just can't let you get away!"

Paul Newman (signalling the end of the blond era) . Gotta be the bad boy stuff again, but I had to laugh when I read this:

"The embarrassing thing is that the salad dressing is outgrossing my films. "

Harrison Ford Yes, Indiana Jones, but mostly Witness. His words of wisdom?

"It's very little trouble for me to accomodate my fans, unless I'm actually taking a pee at the time."

Tom Cruise (or was it really the fighter plane?) Top Gun. After that, he's just a pretty face. And now he's a nut case pretty face. As he says:

"Nothing ends nicely, that's why it ends."


Mel Gibson Most definitely the Lethal Weapon series; Mad Max; Conspiracy Theory...but not so much the recent stuff. I already know what women want. He says:

"After about 20 years of marriage, I'm finally starting to scratch the surface of that one [what women want]. And I think the answer lies somewhere between conversation and chocolate."

Johnny Depp (or is it really Tim Burton?) I'm going to have to justify this choice for a little while - I just spent better than $100 on a few of his DVDs. A quote:

"When kids hit 1 year old, it's like hanging out with a miniature drunk. You have to hold onto them. They bump into things. They laugh and cry. They urinate. They vomit.'"

It's winter, it's dark early, it's bottle o' wine and bad boys in the movies. Yes!


Blogger Daydream believer said...

Hi Rufus!

I wasn't sure which blog to post on...but I like this one.

A MYOTT is an inside joke for a friend that checks in once in a is short for My Yaht which I wrote on a blow up pool float when we were teenagers.

I actually got it from a Huey Lewis video back then.

I'll check in again...

You like that frostin on a turd? I knew that some wise soul would appreciate that! LOL

December 04, 2005 4:16 p.m.  

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