Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Looking for signs of spring

....because that means hope. I remember that concept - it seems like so many eons ago.

Getting through routine is the task of the day. Each day. I'm tired almost all the time. Haven't got the energy to be patient with the ridiculousness I find here and there.

The neighbour who says "Hi! Sorry about your Mom. Guess what? My daughter has a JOB!"

"I'm so pleased for her", I murmur.

The kids at school who scream. They just scream. They may be screaming-whining; screaming-angry; screaming-attention; screaming-hurt....but whatever it is, they cannot get through one hour without a scream.

The noise just makes me want to bury myself and cry.

Tired all day, can't sleep at night.

But not to forget the incredible kindness of almost all those around me - a girlfriend who took me for a ride in the woods; the flowers; the cards; the people who said they'd do whatever I needed...

Well, I can't really ask anyone to do my laundry, now can I?


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