Monday, February 09, 2009


I'd call it Seasonal Aggressive Disorder, if I had my druthers. All these "little" things are getting under my skin, and I'm not liking myself much at the moment. The list of little things grows daily....

I'm trying really hard to simply stay away from the rest of the world right now, but do you think anyone is listening to the LEAVE ME ALONE?

I tried, fruitlessly, last night, to tell someone I did not WANT to go out tonight, but she seems to think she's different. She'll cheer me up, she says. Amidst sighs and groans, I said "maybe", but that really means, OKAY shut up, I'll go, dammit, but I don't want to, BE THERE @ 7:30. Grrrrrr.
I'll go, have a good time, and come home, resenting the situation and the people involved.

It's hard enough as it is for me to say NO, so the courage and energy it took to actually say it and have it ignored is....

What does it take for people to UNDERSTAND the word NO? Am I not bitchy enough?


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