Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Confidence Building? Maybe

When people ask "What did you do this summer?" you tell them where you went on vacation.

We went to California, Nevada and Arizona.

"That's nice." you answer.

What was important this summer was that the family didn't bicker a minute while cooped up together for two weeks, 24-7.

What was important this summer is that I drove where I had been afraid to drive; long distance to my father's; downtown Toronto; and the 401.

My girlfriend got me on TWO roller coasters (Yes, the Italian Job)at Wonderland yesterday. I've been terrified of those ever since I was a kid and didn't fit into the seat of The Zipper properly.

I've been 6 weeks without smoking (discounting three accident-days).

Those were my real accomplishments this summer. Do I feel any better?

Not really.


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