Sunday, January 23, 2005

I'm in the newspaper!

It all started when I went to a Libertarian Party hosted meeting about smoker's rights. And I haven't found it all that easy to quit(smoking). I'm too lazy to think through politics and ideologies, so I'm not particularly political either.
I also have very few dates with my husband, and this was one of them.

Listening to the guest speaker, Nancy Daigneault, I got "hooked". My problem is not with smoking or smokers, but with invasive laws. It makes it harder for people to recognize the degree to which these laws impinge on basic human rights and dignities when their veneer, if you will, is something that is generally considered harmful.

Let's be good Canadians and let our government look after us, and not let us get hurt. Our government, with it's propaganda, (see for starters) will keep our children safe.

Well, I don't like being called stupid. And I don't like being told what to do. So I wrote a letter to the editor (duh!).

And so did my husband, who said, a few days later, that the newspaper had called, and they were probably going to publish his letter. (he's been published before - he's the political one, remember?)

"Why yours, and not mine?" (a little competition here)

Insert explanation on how to write to a newspaper. This coming for a guy who's grammar challenged.

"Well, your letter said pretty much the same as mine, so it's more important what's said than who said it." (second thought about what IS important)

Graceful, yet honest exit


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